Message from the Chief Commissioner

Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah for with His grace and mercy, we have the opportunity to meet on this cyber platform.

Welcome to all visitors to the official web portal of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. This portal is the best medium for MACC to reach the community, in addition to being the main medium in channeling important information on MACC.

As the newly appointed Chief Commissioner of MACC on 9 March 2020, I am very proud and grateful to the previous top leadership of MACC who has given unwavering support and cooperation to ensure the commission continues to be relevant in exercising its role to every corner of the world.

The new cyberspace medium has become a rapid communication practice as well as serving as a connecting bridge in sharing information. Information is accessible to anyone; however, it should be obtained from legitimate sources. For this reason, MACC works hard to ensure the portal maintains its advantage as a facilitator and the main option for the public to obtain information references easily, accurately and effectively.

The three main strategies that are MACC’s core duties, namely Operation, Prevention and Education, could be delivered and explained in a more strategic and efficient manner to visitors. Public understanding is highly important and critical, not only in comprehensively explaining the roles and functions of MACC, but also in making sure the public understands and has confidence that MACC is on the people’s side and will continue to fight for the people in issues of corruption and abuse of power. Therefore, I hope that the information displayed will be put to good use and will not be misused to give a negative perception.

For MACC officers, I have directed them to always improve their performance while upholding integrity in carrying out their duties to ensure that the delivery of public service is continued.

Excellence of the previous generations needs to be maintained as the reality is that the public still looks to MACC to solve 1001 problems in corruption, misappropriation and abuse of power that occur in this country.

I have high hopes that this commission will continue to receive the support of the people while providing us with the space to carry out our duties independently, transparently and professionally without prejudice.

Abhor Corruption, Uphold Pride

Datuk Seri Azam Bin Baki
Chief Commissioner Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)