Special Cabinet Committee on Corruption (JKKMAR)

The Special Cabinet Meeting on Anti-Corruption chaired by the Prime Minister is responsible for:

  1. Considering and determining policies on the enhancement of governance, integrity and anti-corruption in the Government administration management system;
  2. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation efficiency and effectiveness of policies, laws, regulations and procedure systems to enhance governance, integrity and anti-corruption in the Government administration management system; and
  3. Considering and approving recommendations submitted by members of JKKMAR and JAR at the national level regarding the implementation of improvement initiatives and actions related to enhancement of governance, integrity and anti-corruption in the Government administration.
  4. The joint secretariat for JKKMAR is the National Centre for Governance, Integrity and Anti-corruption (GIACC) and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), whose roles are:

      1. To check, coordinate and present feedback from the JKKMAR Meeting;
      2. To coordinate the preparation and to check the consideration paper/concept paper to be presented in the JKKMAR Meeting;
      3. To submit recommendations for the enhancement of governance, integrity and anti-corruption in the Government administration management system from National-level JAR for the consideration and approval of JKKMAR; and
      4. To submit any recommendations for the enhancement of governance, integrity and anti-corruption to the responsible Minister for the consideration of the Cabinet through the Director-General of the National Centre of Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption should there be any current issues that require immediate attention and action and/or the JKKMAR Meeting is unable to convene within the stipulated time.
      Perkhidmatan Urus Tadbir Sektor Awam